Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cap'n Davy Sharkbait's Pantaloons

His not quite a pirate yet but it's a start.
So far it's just his pants. I'm still deciding whether he is gonna have a pot belly or wash board abs.

I'm having a little trouble doing his boot so I'll save it for later.

If I make more progress, of rather, when I make more progess on him today I'll edit this post rather make a new one.


Edit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Here's his body, not quite a pot belly, not quite wash board abs. (How am I gonna do my washing now?)

Edit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Instead of making his arms from his body I decided to make a jacket to go over him.

Once the jacket goes on him you wont be able to see the back so those pollys will be wasted so I deleted them.

And fianally here's him with his jacket on.

I think that's it for today, after all it is my day off... >:(


Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Yes yes, I know it's my third post for today, but I have to catch up and I got nothing better to do on my day off.

I've written a script for our Audio class that includes sound effects. I've re-done a lot of the dialogue.
Okay, it's been about a year since I've been on stage or read a script, so I kinda forgot the proper format for a script so I just made it up.

The characters name before a line means they are saying it.
If a line has a " - " in front of it, it's a stage direction.
And a line with "♪" at either end is a song or sound effect.
It's a little hard to read because it lost it's indents.

So here it is:

-Opening shot of the pirate ship.

♪Song: Some pirate, Nordic song. Maybe something like the ones in Peter Pan♪

Captain: Brody the Parrotless, front center. Where be mi crew?

1st Mate: They be below deck Cap'n.

Captain: Good, I don't want them t' hear this.

1st Mate: Is it bad Cap'n?

Captain: Aye, there be a Beaver on our ship, 'tis eatin' all our wood on deck.


Captain: No, no, thar be no need t' go t' such drastic measures. I`ll take care o' 'im.

-Cut to the beaver who is standing next to the mast and twitches his head side to side to look

♪Song: Some relaxing music plays and makes him look innocent♪

-He jumps up onto the mast.

♪Sound effect: as he jumps up, the sound of a record scratching♪

-He spins around the mast like a cartoon.

♪Sound effect: chainsaw sound♪

-He falls back next to the mast and it starts to lean.

♪Sound effect: a slow cracking sound, almost like a floor boards or a falling tree, as it falls. Then when it hits the water a giant SPLOOSH can be heard♪

Captain: 'tis a quick one this, but thar`s no need t' panic. I`ll make short work o' him.Come here ya scurvy cur!

1st Mate: Mind yer wooden leg Cap'n

-Camera circles around the Captain and the Beaver.

♪Song: A western song plays, probably "The good, the bad, the ugly" song♪

-Close up of the Captain's eyes as two black stripes frame his eyes

♪Sound effect: a rattle snake sound plays♪

-Close up of the Captain's eyes as two black stripes frame his eyes

♪Sound effect: a cute beaver or squirrel sound plays♪

Captain: Yer doom be at hand, ye scrappy sea dog...

-They both run at each other and the beaver attaches itself to the Captains leg

♪Sound effect: chainsaw sound♪

Captain: I'll kill you an' feed ye t' the sharks, an' then send ye to Davy Jones' locker!

-The Captain pulls out his gun and aims it at the Beaver. He pulls back the hammer to cock it,
then pulls the trigger

♪Sound effect: gun cocking and shot fired♪

-The bullet ricochets off the deck and into the Captains foot

♪Sound effect: Old western sound of a bullet ricochet

Captain: ARGH! Ye lily-livered swine!

-the beaver jumps off the ship and into the water.

♪Sound effect: sound of a dive, or a medium sized water sploosh

Captain: To 'ell with ya, ye yellow-bellied bucko! Dasn't worry men, I may be hurt an' our boat be in pieces, but we still be havin' our skiffs.

1st Mate: but captain, termites ate our oars!

Captain: Nooooooooooooo!!!!

-Fades to black

Animatic pics

I know I shouldn't really post twice in the same day but an updates an update.
These probably wont make too much sense but take a gander anyways.

Story Boards

Wowzers! I'm like the last one to do a second post. I don't really have an excuse, I'm not really used to this whole bloggin' thing. But that's not to say I haven't been doing work.

So far I've done this:

- Story Boards
- More Castor Concepts (one pictured below)
- Re-drawn images for the animatic
- 3D Modeled Castor the Beaver
- UV unwrapped Castor

I can't quite show you all of the above because I don't have 3DsMax at home so I cant show you the model or the UV's but I do have the Story Boards scanned in, and soon the re-drawn images.

So without further adu, here's the boards.
To view them click the beavers butt.