Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Yes yes, I know it's my third post for today, but I have to catch up and I got nothing better to do on my day off.

I've written a script for our Audio class that includes sound effects. I've re-done a lot of the dialogue.
Okay, it's been about a year since I've been on stage or read a script, so I kinda forgot the proper format for a script so I just made it up.

The characters name before a line means they are saying it.
If a line has a " - " in front of it, it's a stage direction.
And a line with "♪" at either end is a song or sound effect.
It's a little hard to read because it lost it's indents.

So here it is:

-Opening shot of the pirate ship.

♪Song: Some pirate, Nordic song. Maybe something like the ones in Peter Pan♪

Captain: Brody the Parrotless, front center. Where be mi crew?

1st Mate: They be below deck Cap'n.

Captain: Good, I don't want them t' hear this.

1st Mate: Is it bad Cap'n?

Captain: Aye, there be a Beaver on our ship, 'tis eatin' all our wood on deck.


Captain: No, no, thar be no need t' go t' such drastic measures. I`ll take care o' 'im.

-Cut to the beaver who is standing next to the mast and twitches his head side to side to look

♪Song: Some relaxing music plays and makes him look innocent♪

-He jumps up onto the mast.

♪Sound effect: as he jumps up, the sound of a record scratching♪

-He spins around the mast like a cartoon.

♪Sound effect: chainsaw sound♪

-He falls back next to the mast and it starts to lean.

♪Sound effect: a slow cracking sound, almost like a floor boards or a falling tree, as it falls. Then when it hits the water a giant SPLOOSH can be heard♪

Captain: 'tis a quick one this, but thar`s no need t' panic. I`ll make short work o' him.Come here ya scurvy cur!

1st Mate: Mind yer wooden leg Cap'n

-Camera circles around the Captain and the Beaver.

♪Song: A western song plays, probably "The good, the bad, the ugly" song♪

-Close up of the Captain's eyes as two black stripes frame his eyes

♪Sound effect: a rattle snake sound plays♪

-Close up of the Captain's eyes as two black stripes frame his eyes

♪Sound effect: a cute beaver or squirrel sound plays♪

Captain: Yer doom be at hand, ye scrappy sea dog...

-They both run at each other and the beaver attaches itself to the Captains leg

♪Sound effect: chainsaw sound♪

Captain: I'll kill you an' feed ye t' the sharks, an' then send ye to Davy Jones' locker!

-The Captain pulls out his gun and aims it at the Beaver. He pulls back the hammer to cock it,
then pulls the trigger

♪Sound effect: gun cocking and shot fired♪

-The bullet ricochets off the deck and into the Captains foot

♪Sound effect: Old western sound of a bullet ricochet

Captain: ARGH! Ye lily-livered swine!

-the beaver jumps off the ship and into the water.

♪Sound effect: sound of a dive, or a medium sized water sploosh

Captain: To 'ell with ya, ye yellow-bellied bucko! Dasn't worry men, I may be hurt an' our boat be in pieces, but we still be havin' our skiffs.

1st Mate: but captain, termites ate our oars!

Captain: Nooooooooooooo!!!!

-Fades to black


black aeonium said...

good to see all the content you;'re posting on the blog! I like the storyboards and images, and the script is funny.
Keep up the good work.

Atomic Top Hat said...

Truly they are men Amon pirates. I don't know why, but I just love the idea of Brody the Parrotless. His name just scream horribly tragic yet comical past on how he became so parrotless.

CanYouDiggItBaby said...

Yer doom be at hand, ye scrappy sea dog...Hehehe nice script ye ol sea dawg.

Peter said...

That's a big script...couldn't be bothered reading it lol

Peter said...

WooT! there's Singing....Who's singing the songs?