Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cap'n Davy Sharkbait: True Hollywood stories

Cap'n Davy Sharkbait is the worst pirate around.
Worst not as in meanest, but as in WORST!

Born Steven Robinson into the a rich family who owns the local rum brewery, he soon became and alcoholic by the age of 9.
He stole his first boat at the age of 5, sure it was only a paper boat made by a fellow classmate, but it was a boat none the less.

His sailing skills were self taught, perhaps explains why they are so bad.
He gained his nickname "Sharkbait" as he is a regular cluts and falls off the ship very often, and lost his leg to a disgruntled green tree frog, but he tells everyone it was taken by a shark. No one believes his story as there were no sharks in the aquarium at the time.

File photos:

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