Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I failed...

I was supposed to have 24 posts...
And even in my last ditch efforts I wasn't able to make 24 posts, I managed to cover the criteria but fell short at 23.

Hang on... if the last was 23... and this is one more...


Yippi! I pass! Whooooooooo!
And with 25 mins to spare :D


Okay, this concludes the assessed part of my blog, things that have been covered.

project name (check)
project overview (check)
background story or details (check)
world layout (check)
characters (check)
objects and elements (check)
music / sound effects (check)
storyboards (from VD2) (check)
script (from IST) (check)
regular production updates including text, images, audio and video content (check)

Things still coming:
Finish animations for the first pirate (1 day)
Record (1-3 days)
Edit (allowing a week)

Hopefully you will all stay tuned to see how this all pans out.



Here is the set for my machinma.
You can see the corners, I have to make them longer to make it look more like a horizon.
I may also have to rotate the boat so I can look at it on a different angle to hide the corners.


Brody the Parrotless: Uncensored

Augustus Brody is an odd sort of character.
He very well may be the noblest man you may ever have known but he can also be very gutless and wimpy.

He is without parrot, as his old one placed a restraining order on him after he kept harassing it to get shoe laces.

He rose the the rank of first mate on board Cap'n Davy Sharkbait's ship and not much is known about him other that he is Ethiopian (his albino).

File photos:


Cap'n Davy Sharkbait: True Hollywood stories

Cap'n Davy Sharkbait is the worst pirate around.
Worst not as in meanest, but as in WORST!

Born Steven Robinson into the a rich family who owns the local rum brewery, he soon became and alcoholic by the age of 9.
He stole his first boat at the age of 5, sure it was only a paper boat made by a fellow classmate, but it was a boat none the less.

His sailing skills were self taught, perhaps explains why they are so bad.
He gained his nickname "Sharkbait" as he is a regular cluts and falls off the ship very often, and lost his leg to a disgruntled green tree frog, but he tells everyone it was taken by a shark. No one believes his story as there were no sharks in the aquarium at the time.

File photos:

Castor the Beaver: Behind the Blow

Castor the Beaver is a fun loving, happy go lucky and mischievous beaver.
He lures unsuspecting victims whit his cute charm, and then plays nasty tricks on them.

He was born in the Zasavica bog in Mačva, western-central Serbia in 1856.
He grew up in a family of 5, two parents, two brothers and himself. He was the middle child and often teamed up with his older brother Fiber, to pick on his younger brother Canadensis.

His parents gave him his name after their scientific name "Castor".
He often goes on long unexplained trips, and soon gets lost.

To get home he stows away in hulls of pirate ships, when he has arrived to his destination he eats their wood for the long trip to shore and departs leaving them stranded.

File photos:

Brody the Parrotless' textures

Here is the other pirate, Brody the Parrotless' textures.

This is his head texture, has a little more detail on it than the other ones.

And this is as per usual pretty crappie.



A couple weeks back in Ben's audio class we recorded our voices for out machinima.
Here's a download link.
I hope it works, I tried uploading it from home, which we are supposed to be able to do but I'm not sure it is, but here's the link anyways.



Cap'n Davy Sharkbait's Textures

I know all these last minute posts are dodgy but I need more to reach my 24 minimum.
I'm a little behind because I think when some people would have posted twice I just posted once, like when I posted my Pirate rigging with my water texture and the one about my beavers animations and import in UT.
But get used to it because it's gonna happen alot in my eleventh hour.

I know they are shonkey, but here are my pirates textures.

This is his head texture:

This is his body texture:

And like Ben said, as the deadline comes closer forget about the little things like textures.


Boat update

Here's that list again:

Things left to do:
Finish animations for the first pirate (1 day)
Record (1-3 days)
Edit (allowing a week)

I know I said that I'd post pics of my boat before I went to work the other day/week but when I logged onto blogger that morning their picture upload wasn't working and I didn't have enough time to imageshack them.

So I'll post it now I guess.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Brody the Parrotless

Here's Brody the Parrotless
His UV'd, working on the texture now.
Sorry about the small post, getting back to work now.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pirate Update

Okay, I didn't get my Pirate's UV's done last Wednesday, I did everything but his body.
The body proved hard because he has a jacket on.
I had to make sure I was only highlighting the outer polygons when doing his jacket and only the inner ones when doing his stomach.

Anyways to prove he is UV'd here's a pic of him with a basic texture, just solid colours.

NOTE: This is not his final texture!!!!
When finished he will have:
Eye's, or eye with eye patch.
Detail on pants
Detail on sword
Detail on gun
Detail on hat
Detail on shirt
Detail on belt buckle

He has a biped in him (it's just hidden in the above picture), and some basic rigging as well.
Just to show his current state of rigging here's a pic of him falling.

You can see the shonkeyness in his current rig by the belt buckle being stretched.

I have tried to import him into UT just as a static mesh, but when I applied the textures it ignored the UV's. Hopefully this wont happen again or I'm gonna be very mad...

I also made a pseudo water texture with a cartoonie cel shade look to it.

I drew it similar to how the water looks in the game WindWaker. It also tiles as I made sure I drew it with an offset in photoshop.

I've also noticed that I haven't posted any pictures of the boat I've modeled for the set.
I would take screens and upload them now but it's a little late and I'm tired.
I'll try to upload them before I go to work tomorrow.

Things left to do:
  1. Finish Rigging the first pirate and animate him. (1 day)
  2. Finish Modeling, rig and animate the second pirate (2-3 days)
  3. Create a sky texture (1 day)
  4. Make the set in UT (1 day)
  5. Record (1-3 days)
  6. Edit (allowing a week)

Hopefully I will be ready to record by Ben's class on Thursday and be editing all the following week. The only problem is will my classmates be able to spare their time to help record.

You can also rest assure I'm not even gonna open the second season of Gilmore Girls till this is over.

Keep posted

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pirate Model Finished

By Thursday I planed to have both pirates model's finished and at least UV's done but the first season of "The Gilmore Girls" had something to say about that.
At least I got the Captain finished and modeled. The day is still young I can still UV him... ...I hope.

Well here he is:

Well that's him, not much has changed from the early days.
Brody is almost finished, just have to model his arms and head.

Stay tuned!!! :D


Friday, October 12, 2007

Importing into UT


It's been a long absence over the break and I haven't posted much.
Not to make excuses but I have been at a friends house at Ballarat for one of the weeks and they don't have 3DS Max and UT2004.

Anyways, enough explaining more showing.

First I have this to show:

Yeah it's a little creepy, looks more like a giraffe than a beaver. It's using default UT animations and since his legs arn't the same size it stretches them.

Okay, now a little more explaining.
After rigging and importing the beaver (Or Castor as I like to call him) into UT the MAX file stuffed up. It can no longer open, merge or import, so I had to rig him again.
Keeping the black outline on him was a hassle and a real bummer to rig again and I just couldn't do it.

I took off the black outlines and imported him into UT again and gave him some basic animations, here's his taunt.

He will use this when he is first introduced in his closeup like thing.

That's all for now.


Friday, September 7, 2007

Beaver Black

This is an updated import or my beaver in UT.
He now has a black outline that actually updates and wraps around him which adds to the cartoonie feel.

Yes he is in a level but the room is just white and unlit.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Beaver on Board
By Joel Rainor Venables

This is my animatic I made for Bens visual design class and got a HD. My first HD for this course and to make things even better my HD was a higher HD than James'. James Buckingham always beats me in grades by one every time.


UT Importing

As I promised in my last blog, here is the beavers UNFINISHED textures.

It may get more detailed later on because it is pretty low quality, except for the eye.

The perspective view in 3Ds Max is shonkey and distorts textures so to see him textured properly I imported him into UT as a Static Mesh.

His scale is fairly good, I think I'm going to keep it as is. I have a screen shot of his standing next to a player static mesh for comparison here:

The beaver on the far left is 1.5 the regular size, the middle is his normal size and the right is .75 scale. The guy on the end, I'd like to say I modeled him but his there to give you a rough idea of how tall the pirate should be.
I might start a poll to get what you people think.


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Castor the Beaver

Here is the main antagonist of my piece, enjoy:

This is a SUPER low poly version of him.
This is also the version of him I'll be using in UT because I'll be using flat colours because mine is a cartoon animation. He is also low poly because I'll have to double his poly count co create my pseudo cel shading effect.

Here's his UVW map, lots of fun to unwrap :D
I seriously don't see why people hate it.

Here's an artistic render that Christian wanted.

Textures and Animatic coming REAL soon! Stay tuned.

And while I'm here here's a funny joke... =p

-What do you call a parrot that wont come back?


Much love

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Cap'n Davy Sharkbait's Pantaloons

His not quite a pirate yet but it's a start.
So far it's just his pants. I'm still deciding whether he is gonna have a pot belly or wash board abs.

I'm having a little trouble doing his boot so I'll save it for later.

If I make more progress, of rather, when I make more progess on him today I'll edit this post rather make a new one.


Edit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Here's his body, not quite a pot belly, not quite wash board abs. (How am I gonna do my washing now?)

Edit: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Instead of making his arms from his body I decided to make a jacket to go over him.

Once the jacket goes on him you wont be able to see the back so those pollys will be wasted so I deleted them.

And fianally here's him with his jacket on.

I think that's it for today, after all it is my day off... >:(


Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Yes yes, I know it's my third post for today, but I have to catch up and I got nothing better to do on my day off.

I've written a script for our Audio class that includes sound effects. I've re-done a lot of the dialogue.
Okay, it's been about a year since I've been on stage or read a script, so I kinda forgot the proper format for a script so I just made it up.

The characters name before a line means they are saying it.
If a line has a " - " in front of it, it's a stage direction.
And a line with "♪" at either end is a song or sound effect.
It's a little hard to read because it lost it's indents.

So here it is:

-Opening shot of the pirate ship.

♪Song: Some pirate, Nordic song. Maybe something like the ones in Peter Pan♪

Captain: Brody the Parrotless, front center. Where be mi crew?

1st Mate: They be below deck Cap'n.

Captain: Good, I don't want them t' hear this.

1st Mate: Is it bad Cap'n?

Captain: Aye, there be a Beaver on our ship, 'tis eatin' all our wood on deck.


Captain: No, no, thar be no need t' go t' such drastic measures. I`ll take care o' 'im.

-Cut to the beaver who is standing next to the mast and twitches his head side to side to look

♪Song: Some relaxing music plays and makes him look innocent♪

-He jumps up onto the mast.

♪Sound effect: as he jumps up, the sound of a record scratching♪

-He spins around the mast like a cartoon.

♪Sound effect: chainsaw sound♪

-He falls back next to the mast and it starts to lean.

♪Sound effect: a slow cracking sound, almost like a floor boards or a falling tree, as it falls. Then when it hits the water a giant SPLOOSH can be heard♪

Captain: 'tis a quick one this, but thar`s no need t' panic. I`ll make short work o' him.Come here ya scurvy cur!

1st Mate: Mind yer wooden leg Cap'n

-Camera circles around the Captain and the Beaver.

♪Song: A western song plays, probably "The good, the bad, the ugly" song♪

-Close up of the Captain's eyes as two black stripes frame his eyes

♪Sound effect: a rattle snake sound plays♪

-Close up of the Captain's eyes as two black stripes frame his eyes

♪Sound effect: a cute beaver or squirrel sound plays♪

Captain: Yer doom be at hand, ye scrappy sea dog...

-They both run at each other and the beaver attaches itself to the Captains leg

♪Sound effect: chainsaw sound♪

Captain: I'll kill you an' feed ye t' the sharks, an' then send ye to Davy Jones' locker!

-The Captain pulls out his gun and aims it at the Beaver. He pulls back the hammer to cock it,
then pulls the trigger

♪Sound effect: gun cocking and shot fired♪

-The bullet ricochets off the deck and into the Captains foot

♪Sound effect: Old western sound of a bullet ricochet

Captain: ARGH! Ye lily-livered swine!

-the beaver jumps off the ship and into the water.

♪Sound effect: sound of a dive, or a medium sized water sploosh

Captain: To 'ell with ya, ye yellow-bellied bucko! Dasn't worry men, I may be hurt an' our boat be in pieces, but we still be havin' our skiffs.

1st Mate: but captain, termites ate our oars!

Captain: Nooooooooooooo!!!!

-Fades to black

Animatic pics

I know I shouldn't really post twice in the same day but an updates an update.
These probably wont make too much sense but take a gander anyways.

Story Boards

Wowzers! I'm like the last one to do a second post. I don't really have an excuse, I'm not really used to this whole bloggin' thing. But that's not to say I haven't been doing work.

So far I've done this:

- Story Boards
- More Castor Concepts (one pictured below)
- Re-drawn images for the animatic
- 3D Modeled Castor the Beaver
- UV unwrapped Castor

I can't quite show you all of the above because I don't have 3DsMax at home so I cant show you the model or the UV's but I do have the Story Boards scanned in, and soon the re-drawn images.

So without further adu, here's the boards.
To view them click the beavers butt.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Project Overview

Beaver on board is a a short machinima film about a beaver who boards a pirate ship.

While sailing the 7 seas, Cap'n Davy Sharkbait and his first mate Brody the Parrotless find a beaver, by the name of Castor on board their ship.

As the two pirates frantically try to eradicate the beaver before it can eat all the wood on the ship, it takes down the mast. When Davy Sharkbait encounters the creature it attaches itself to his wooden leg.

After not being able to shake him off he tries to shoot it, but misses and hits his own foot. Castor jumps overboard and swims away, leaving them stranded.

"Don't worry, we can still use the life boats," says Davy Sharkbait.
"Um, but termites ate our oars, Cap'n," replied Brody.